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Why I Will Always Accept Compliments From My Husband In Front of My Children
I had a session with a female client and toward the end of our session she asked me the following question: “do you think that a girl’s...

6 Ways to Cut Down on Alcohol
Social (moderate) drinking, binge drinking, alcoholism, tolerance, and dependence. This is the typical pattern of progression for...
Our Vibe Attracts Our Tribe
The post below isn't something that I personally wrote. I read it about a year ago and it's something I re-read and share with my clients...
"Go Comatose For Me, Baby" - Setting & Keeping Boundaries
This post was inspired by a former client of mine who was in treatment for alcoholism. His main concern was setting boundaries with his...
Go the F**k to Sleep!
Recently, my husband and I were invited to a baby shower for a close friend of ours. In his search for a baby gift, my husband found a...
What to Expect During Your First Session
The first session is about building rapport and getting to know one another. It's important to feel comfortable with your therapist....
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